dinsdag, november 15, 2005

Getting a Visa

Finally, the final step: getting a visa! After a 15 euro costing telephone call for the appointment, I was ready to prepare my paperwork:
  • a passphoto 5*5 cm (with 1-3/8 inch between chin and forehead, http://www.usembassy.nl/photo_instructions.html)
  • 5 pages commenting on terroristic activity, possible drug addictions and pimping activities, chemical knowledge (answering positive would not result in a rejecting, only a personal interview..), 4 former employees' (including names, telephone, addresses), a list of my previous country visits and the organisations I am member of
  • 85 euros

I went to the embassy for my 2 pm appointment. Looking for an American flag with some kind of welcoming sign and a nice couch to sit on while waiting I was a little bit surprised to see a huge fence and a line standing in front of an intercom system. Two guards made sure no one would pass this inpassible fence. My first encounter with American hospitality :)!

A young man waiting before me had a 9 am appointment. He had to come back because he asked, a little bit frustrated by his lack of understanding english, what they exactly meant with some questions. After inquiring about a new interview 5 hours later, the intercom replied: 'aaah.. you're the guy with the attitude from this morning, aren't you?'. 'Uuuhh.. I guess?'. 'Hmm.. then you can wait a couple of minutes.'. Next few hails: 'Just a moment..' *breaking the connection*.

Well, at least our appointment went quite alright after the quick lesson of submissive behaviour. Within 20 minutes we were outside (and one day later with a visa), but the guy with the 'attitude' was still outside entering his 7th hour of waiting behind a nice black fence. I can't wait for my San Francisco airport arrival!